Monday, January 23, 2012

What Saturday brought us...

It was a typical Saturday....Daddy at work, Mommy and the boys hanging out at home.  That is until Wyatt decided that he wanted to investigate the contents of Mommy's purse.  Working zippers that are even hard for me to work. Bypassing the yummy temptations of two packs of gum.  Going straight for the little blue bottle that has tylenol and ibprofen in it!!  I can in just in time to see him with a full mouth and a look on his face that said "Oh, man! You caught me!!"

I got him to spit it out and when I saw how much was in my hand I didn't think that he really could have swallowed that much if any of the pills.  But, as the hour ticked by I just kept thinking of how much he was salivating and how much the pills had already dissolved by the time I found him.

I called poison control and recounted the story....of course they share worst case scenario which is liver failure and liver transplant because just 6 tylenol is all it takes to hurt his little body.  He definitely could have had 6 tylenol! 

So, I am frantically trying to get ahold of Jonathan, who is reffing basketball games all day.  Not answering his phone I finally reach a family friend and they were actually going to where Jonny was working!!  They tell him "CALL YOUR WIFE!!"  Then those same sweet family friends come over immediately to watch Tucker for us as we rush off to the ER.

Our Wyatt was on a bed in the ER for over 8 hours!!!!!  They had to draw blood from him twice to test his tylenol levels to make sure he didn't have a toxic level. But, lots of movies, books, and toys were just the right thing to keep him happy and in bed for that long.  He did amazing for a 2 1/2 year old!!! We were both so proud of him and how he handled the pokes, prods, needles, nurses, and doctors.  The last 45 minutes were the hardest because Wyatt was finally ready to move! Jumping on the bed wanting to get down and walk or sit on our laps while still having wires and a port still stuck in his arm.  Our discharge was at 8:45 pm...finally!

While we were in the hospital we counted about 11 people came and went from our house without us there.  All wonderful people who were gracious and loving enough to drop what they were doing and take care of Tucker for us or check in to see how we were all doing.  What a blessing God has given us in these sweet friends!!!!! 

How we thank the Lord for His care over our little son....seeing my child going through all of that and the fear that can get the best of you was definitely waging war inside me. But, our God who is faithful, caring, loving, generous and perfect was watching and orchestrating all the right things for us on this day.  Thank you Lord for being so amazing!!!

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