Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wyatt Goes Camping!

We finally got to take the little man camping. Honestly, this age is probably not the easiest age to do this because he switches between crawling and walking too much and there is just too much that his little mouth will taste!! But, it was soooo fun to finally get out together as a family and spend quality time doing one of our favorite things:)

Our tent is just the right size for a queen blow-up and a pack-n-play:)
Align Center
This was his first canoe ride...he didn't last long before he was freaking out because of the squeeze of his seat and the life jacket. He ended up riding on my lap. By the end of our time there he was resigned to the fact that he had to wear the jacket.

Our little site! Water access right in our sight and plenty of room for Shooter run around too!

Hiking in the woods with Daddy!

Two oh so handsome men!!!

Our usual position plus one daddy and one dog:)

Dinner time!

Roasting some hotdogs!

Piggies in the water (absolutely LOVE this photo!)

It was so fun to get away....we can't wait for October when we get to go again!!


  1. These photos are adorable!! Looks like you guys had a great time. Christen, you are amazing....taking on camping with a 1 year-old while preggo. Miss you guys!

  2. Loved all the pictures!!! Thanks for sharing them!!!!!!! Terrific family times you are having.....musch to thank God for, eh??

