Wednesday, February 16, 2011

18 months and counting...

Well, it has been quite a while since I have done a monthly post on our little guy. Maybe I am in the sentimental stage right now knowing that in just a few short weeks Wyatt will no longer be the one and only in my life when it comes to babies. Maybe my hormones are crazy and I feel like crying any time something funny, sad, heroic, or obnoxious comes on t.v. or the radio. Maybe it is just that my little baby boy is growing up and it is happening faster than I ever imagined it would.

What ever the reason, my heart is so full with love for the 3 boys that God has placed in my life and one way that I can get my 'emotions' fix is by writing....

So, with all that emotional mushy gushy stuff out here are a few highlights of our little man!

*Wy LOVES books...he will literally sit in his little red chair, or on the kitchen floor, or in front of the door, anywhere he takes a liking to and read. Book after book after book after get the point.*Wy LOVES balls...he plays hoops all the time when there isn't a book in his hands. He loves to throw them and chase them and carry them. A very studious athlete on our hands I think!
*He is starting to mimic us on the phone! He will hold a toy or his hand or something up to his ear and just jabber jabber jabber away! Especially in the car seems his favorite time to distract us with this cute little antic.
*He has definitely changed his sleep habits. He used to be an 8 to 8 kind of guy with 2 naps during the day. Now he's an 8:30 to 8/9 ish kind of guy with only 1 nap of around 2-3 hours. I don't feel like I get too much done during the day now!:)
*He is such a tease with his kisses already!! He will come in like he is going to give you one only to pull away and laugh about NOT giving you one!
*His vocabulary and understanding of certain words and phrases seems to grow by the day. He is really good with using his sign language for things like "eat" "please" and "thank you". He seems to be using the "eat" sign and "more" sign A LOT these days... may be a sign for growth spurt for momma:)
*He runs to see Daddy any time he comes home, usually carrying one of his books or balls and then shows off for him:) So excited when his favorite person comes home. I try not to be jealous:)
*He is starting to play with his cars and trucks more...the right way...not just throwing them or slam dunking them:)
*He is so good at knowing his anatomy! We have been working on learning what different parts of the body are and for the most part he's got all the major ones down and can even point to them on us:)Well, that is probably enough for know. I think that recording all these sweet milestones has eased my 'crying' desire for now:) All the pics that are interspersed in here was my and his attempt at an 18 month shot...definitely hard to corner a squirming and active toddler for any thing more than a few seconds. But, it was fun trying:)

This picture is so funny to me... we took one of the baby's swaddling blankets and wrapped him up tight just like we used to do. He actually let Daddy hold him like this for awhile! Oh, I so remember those sweet baby days!

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